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Food Shelf Life Testing

Views: 15     Author: LIB Team     Publish Time: 2021-05-12      Origin: Site

Food Shelf Life Testing



Food must meet the relevant shelf life stipulations of national and international food hygiene regulations. LIB Industry can provide you with an accelerated aging test chamber to evaluate the quality of food to ensure that it meets the conditions.


The LIB climate test chamber is used to test the shelf life of the product by simulating the market sales environment and storage environment, etc. for accelerated testing (that is, destructive experiment). It can be used for accelerated destructive testing and product stability testing for the shelf life of food, beverages, medicines, and daily necessities. .


The test steps are as follows:


LIB Test Chamber: TH Series


  • 1. Divide the same batch of products into five groups, each group needs 8-10 samples, put them in five boxes;

  • 2. Set the test chamber to 5°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C, and 45°C respectively.

  • 3. The sample at 5°C serves as the control sample. 30°C, 35°C, 40°C, and 45°C are accelerated destruction tests.

  • 4. Start the observation from the sample at 45°C. According to the situation, start from 10 days and take out a control every five days. When the product begins to deteriorate, this group will stop the test and record the number of days of the test as 15 days. The number of days at 40°C, 35°C, and 30°C is measured sequentially as approximately 30 days + 2 days, 60 days + 1, 120 days + 1 day.

  • 5. Calculate q10=4 with 10°C as a gradient.

  • As long as you know that q10=4, you can calculate the shelf life (20℃-25℃) of the products on the market by testing a high temperature point in the future. Of course, in order to be more precise and rigorous, several different temperature points can be tested multiple times to verify q10.

  • 6. The storage period of the product in the market (20℃-25℃)=15 days*4*4=240 days.

      (15 days is the number of days measured at 45°C, 45°C has two gradients relative to the market environment (20°C-25°C), so multiply it by two q10).



The pictures are as follows:

Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber (3)

Contact us freely if you need help.

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 Name:  Xi'an LIB Environmental Simulation Industry
   Add:  High-Tech Area,Xian City, Shaanxi Province, P.R. China710065
  E-mail:  info@lib-industry.com
  Tel:   +86 18700875368


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