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Gas Corrosion Test Case

Views: 247     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-12-04      Origin: Site

Gas Corrosion Test Case

This case is to confirm the adaptability of electrical products and their overall system, which is to work and store in the atmospheric environment, especially the contact and connection parts. The test carries out accelerated corrosion for materials and products under certain temperature and relative humidity environment through sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine gas, hydrogen sulfide, etc.. Reproducing the degree of damage to the materials or products in a certain time range.


temperature and humidity equipment


Case Interpretation

The test duration was: 4 days, 7 days, 10 days, 14 days, and 21 days. The copper monitor shall be tested with the test sample to check the consistency of test sample. The last is the test procedure. There are two alternative test procedures:


Test procedure 1: When the test gas does not contain chlorine or the method for measuring chlorine concentration is not disturbed by other gases in the test gas, the following steps are used: Firstly, inject wet air,  adjust and stabilize the temperature and humidity. Secondly, start to introduce various corrosive gases into the humid air to make it stable. Thirdly, measure and adjust the gas concentration to make it stable. When it is necessary to measure the concentration of chlorine, the total amount of chlorine (not only Cl2) presenting in the test gas is used as the value of the concentration of chlorine in the test gas. The copper monitor is exposed with the test sample. During the test , temperature, humidity and gas concentration should be kept within specified limits. At the end of the test, remove the test samples and corrosion monitoring materials.

temperature and humidity equipment


Test procedure 2: When the test gas contains chlorine and the method for measuring the chlorine content is disturbed by other gases in the test gas, the following steps are used: Firstly, inject humid air, adjust and stabilize the temperature and humidity. Secondly, start to introduce Cl2 into the humid air to make it stable. Thirdly, measure and adjust the concentration of chlorine to make it stable. Expose the copper monitor with the test sample. Introduce other gases to make it stable. During the test, the temperature, humidity and gas concentration should be kept within the specified limits. At the end of the experiment, remove the test samples and corrosion monitoring materials. No matter procedure 1 or 2, during the entire test process, the test box is allowed to be opened during the test, but the number of opening the environmental chamber should be limited. Tests with a duration of less than 4days, the environmental test chambers are not allowed to be opened. Tests of 4~ 10days, the chambers are allowed to be opened once. Tests that last more than 10days, the chambers are allowed to be opened once a week.


temperature and humidity equipment


First determine the scope of application of GR-63-CORE-2006. 

Clean the humidity sensor. Introduce in pure chlorine. Introduce in chlorine until it meets the concentration range specified by any of the conditions selected in the table above, and the error is 15% or 3ppb. Record the concentration of Cl2 at the inlet and outlet. Check the zero scale and range of the tester to test the concentration of Cl2. Introduce in the remaining three gases until the requirements are met, and the error remains at 15% or 3ppb. Record the input respectively concentrations of H2S, NO2, SO2 at the air inlet and the air outlet. Check the zero scale and range of the tester that measures the concentration of H2S, NO2, SO2. Finally, stop the introduction of H2S, NO2, SO2 gas, and then stop the introduction of Cl2 until the four gases are far away from the test chamber.


Application: it is suitable for electronic communication equipment in general office environments and other controlled environments.


Alternative test conditions:

a) for indoor products, test room environment: 30 ° C, 70% RH, 10ppb Cl2, 10ppb H2S, 200ppb NO2, 100ppb SO2, test duration is 10 days.


b) for outdoor products, test room environment: 30 ° C, 70% RH, 20ppb Cl2, 100ppb H2S, 200ppb NO2, 200ppb So2, test duration is 10 days.

The last is the test procedure, there are two situations: one is with the test equipment, another is without the test equipment. When the test equipment is available, put in the test sample and test piece, introduce in pure chlorine until it meets the concentration range specified by any of the conditions selected in the table above, the error is 15% or 3ppb. Record the Cl2 concentration at the air inlet and outlet. Then introduce in the remaining three kinds of gases until the requirements are met, and the error remains at 15 % Or 3 ppb. Record the H2S, NO2, SO2 concentrations at the air inlet and outlet. When there is no test equipment, clean the humidity sensor, introduce in pure chlorine until it meets the concentration range specified by any of the conditions selected in the table above, and the error is 15% or 3ppb, record the Cl2 concentration at the air inlet and outlet. Check the zero scale and range of the tester to test the Cl2 concentration. Then introduce in the remaining three gases until the requirements are met, and the error remains at 15% or 3ppb. Record the concentrations of H2S, NO2, and SO2 at the air inlet and outlet respectively. Check the zero scale and range of the tester that measures the concentration of H2S, NO2, and SO2. Finally, stop the introduction of H2S, NO2, SO2 gas, and then stop the introduction of Cl2 until the four gases are far away from the test chamber.

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