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Salt spray corrosion test chamber faults and solutions

Views: 55     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-07-14      Origin: Site

Salt spray corrosion test chamber faults and solutions

The salt spray corrosion test chamber detects the salt spray corrosion resistance of the material and its protective layer, and at the same time evaluates the product's ability to resist salt spray corrosion. The product is suitable for the protective layer of parts, electronic components, metal materials and salt spray corrosion of industrial products test.

Salt Spray Corrosion Chamber

Because the salt spray tester has been doing salt spray aging test for a long time, the environment is bad and it is easy to cause many faults in the salt spray test machine. In order to solve the fault quickly, some common faults and treatment methods are described in detail below.

The laboratory cannot rise to the set temperature

cause of issue:

*The temperature of the test room temperature controller is set too low;

*The laboratory safety protection switch setting is too low;

* heating system failure;

*Electromagnetic relay failure;

* Controller failure.


1) Set the temperature controller to the desired temperature;

2) Set the safety switch to the desired temperature;

3). Inform the maintenance company to repair the door.

The saturated barrel temperature cannot rise to the set temperature

cause of issue:

* Saturated barrel temperature controller temperature is too low;

* Saturated bucket safety switch setting is too low;

* heating system failure;

*Electromagnetic relay failure;

* Controller failure.


1) Set the temperature controller to the desired temperature;

2) Set the safety switch to the desired temperature;

Salt Spray Corrosion Chamber

Insufficient fog

cause of issue:

*The spray regulator is placed too low;

* The glass filter in the preheating tank is blocked;

* The pressure setting is too low.


1) Raise the spray regulator;

2) Clean the glass filter;

3) Adjust the pressure regulating valve to a pressure of 1Kg-2kg per square centimeter

Insufficient water level

Cause: The water level is too low.

Treatment: Check if the test chamber or saturated tank is adequately water level.

Air compressor

The cause of the malfunction: The air compressor itself has a self-protection function.

Treatment: Use as usual without affecting the test process.

Salt Spray Corrosion Chamber

Can't spray

cause of issue:

*The air compressor is not running;

* The main switch of the air compressor outlet is not open;

* Solenoid valve failure;

*The pressure gauge is faulty or the pressure is too low;

*Electromagnetic contactor failure;

*Nozzle blockage


1) Turn on the air compressor button;

2) Open the air compressor main switch;

6) Remove the nozzle and clean it (please disassemble it carefully).

Can't run

Cause of failure: When the water level in the heating tank is too low, the power supply will be cut off.

Treatment method: Add the water level of the heating tank to the normal condition.


The cause of the fault: the temperature controller is faulty and the temperature sensing rod is faulty.

Treatment method: notify the maintenance company to repair the door.

The above are the common faults and treatment methods of the salt spray corrosion test chamber. Have you learned? Any question please freely contact me.

Salt Spray Corrosion Chamber

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