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Salt Spray Test Chamber:Installing Standards And Fault handling

Views: 103     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-07-03      Origin: Site

Salt Spray Test Chamber:Installing Standards And Fault handling

Salt Spray Corrosion Test chamber can evaluate the ability of some products to sist salt spray corrosionre by examining the ability of salt spray corrosion of materials and their protective layers, and comparing the process quality of similar protective layers, which is suitable for salt spray corrosion test of parts, electronic components, metal materials and industrial products. This article is written to talk about some installation standard requirements of Salt Spray Corrosion Test chamber, as well as its fault handling skills.

Salt spray test chamber is a salt spray corrosion test sample to be tested in a way that the corrosion resistance of the reliability and respectively. And it has five different installing standards in different parts, which are written as follows.

1.Salt Mist Test Chamber Rehydration System’s Installation:

In this part, we should pay attention to water quality requirements, pressure requirements and interface requirements. First, we should use industrial water or tap water add filter (filtered water acidity between 6.5 to 7.2) or pure water (mineral sprigs containminerals can not be used). Second, water pressure should be in 1 to 3 kg, to ensure the normal water rehydration. Third, equipment rehydration port needs to be connected by a hose, in the use of preventing leakage.

2.Corrosion Resistance Salt Spray Test Chamber’s Supply System Requirements:

Firstly, power requirements should be in a stage of single-phase AC 220V 50Hz. Apart from this, the current requirements is Max 15 A. Finally, :we need to install independent leakage protection switch as protection requirements. 

3.Salt Mist Test Chamber Intake System Installation:

The pressure of this should be air compressor or air supply tube pressure of 3 kg, and dry and clean. Second, we need some interface requirements such as equipment using quick connectors to facilitate removal and repair. Then, equipment must be used for a long time to supply gas sources in the middle of the usage. 

4.Salt Mist Test Chamber Exhaust System Requirements:

It needs to be sure that we must use PVC polyethylene material (corrosion resistant). Then, equipment exhaust port needs to be connected by a tube, for the use of sealant sealed to prevent air leakage.Third, drilling requirements should be equipment for natural exhaust, and wall opening height needs to be slightly higher than the vents, to ensure that gas condensed back to the laboratory.

5.Salt Mist Test Chamber Drainage System Installation:

There should be equipment for natural drainage without pressure, and wall opening height needs to be lower than the drain, to ensure that the drainage work is normal. Besides, equipment drainage should be connected by hose or pipe, the use of sealing ring fixed to prevent leakage.

Then, we are going to talk about the fault handling of Salt Spray Corrosion Chamber. Because the salt mist test machine long-term salt fog aging test, the environment is difficult to cause salt spray test machine large and small failure, in order to quickly solve the problem, continue to smoothly do salt spray aging test, the following are details of some common faults such as the temperature of the saturated barrel temperature controller is too low, the saturation barrel safety protection switch is set too low and so on. 

To be concluded, we should make good use of Salt Spray Corrosion Chamber.

Salt Spray Corrosion Test chamber

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