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US IBM Purchased SO-100 Equipment for Electronic Product Testing

Views: 19     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-06-11      Origin: Site

IBM Company

IBM is a multinational technology company and consulting company. IBM produces and sells computer hardware and software, and provides consulting services for system architecture and web hosting. IBM has many research laboratories and a large number of software development bases around the world. IBM has very high requirements on the quality and performance of research and development products, so it is extremely important to check whether the electronics and other products are qualified.

Inquiry Requirement

We received an inquiry from IBM regarding the SO2 noxious gas corrosion series test chamber. Customers need to test the corrosion resistance of the product in the SO2 and HCL mixed gas environment. Understand this test requirement, and then according to the customer's requirements on equipment size, appearance and configuration, we finally recommended the model SO-100 (SO2+HCL) mixed gas corrosion test chamber for the customer, and at the same time formulated a set of Test program.

Test Equipment

The LIB SO2 noxious gas corrosion test chamber is used to test the corrosion resistance of products under toxic gas (including single gas and mixed gas) environments. It is widely used in cables, auto parts, rubber and electronic accessories. The equipment uses high-precision calibration accessories to ensure the stability and accuracy of the test. This is also the first focus of IBM.

LIB can design and product customiaed test chambers for customers. All series of test chambers are strictly selected materials and advanced configuration parts. Welcome to contact us if you have any needs.

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