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Requirements Of Salt Spray Corrosion Test Standards For Sample

Views: 10     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-07-30      Origin: Site

The samples of the Salt Spray Test Chamber mainly include samples, products, parts, components, etc. Various standards have different regulations on the types of samples. The test generally has no specific regulations on the number of samples. The detailed requirements are as follows.

GJB150.11 test standard for military equipment

Clean the surface with a solvent that does not corrode and does not produce a protective film. The organic coating does not need to be organic solvent; the uncoated area is protected by waxing and other methods; preheated in the test chamber at 35°C for 2h.

GJB150.11A test standard for military device

Remove surface dirt, do not use corrosive or protective layer solvents, do not use abrasives other than pure magnesium oxide; preheat in the chamber at 35°C for 2h;

Check corrosion, test electrical and physical properties;

The recovery environment are: 15~35℃, ≤50%RH, and dry for 24h.

GB/T2423.17 test standards for equipment and parts

Clean the samples according to relevant standards. The cleaning method does not affect the corrosion of the salt spray on the samples and does not introduce secondary corrosion;

Visual inspection, electrical and mechanical performance testing if necessary;

The recovery environment are: rinse with tap water for 5 minutes, rinse with distilled water or deionized water, and airflow dry.

GB/T2423.18 test standards for equipment and element

Clean the samples according to relevant standards. The cleaning method does not affect the corrosion of the salt spray on the samples and does not introduce secondary corrosion;

Visual inspection, electrical and mechanical performance testing if necessary;

The recovery environment are: rinse with tap water for 5min, rinse with distilled water or deionized water, dry at (55±2)℃ for 1~2h.

GB/T10125 test standards for material or product

Remove surface dirt and do not use abrasives or solvents that may corrode the specimen or wash away the protective film;

The recovery environment are: dry for 0.5~1h, rinse with clean water at 40℃, blow dry.

GB/T1771 test standards for material or product

Place for 16h at (23±2)℃, 50%±5% environment; scratch treatment if necessary;

The recovery environment are: wash with warm water and dry immediately.

ASTM B117 test standards for material or product (the quantity meets the requirements of the sample specification or contract)

Clean the sample according to the sample specification or the method stipulated in the contract. The paint film and non-metallic coating should be prevented from excessive cleaning; when the corrosion development of the scratched surface needs to be measured, the paint film or organic coating surface should be scored; The edge of the sample, the surface of the identification mark and the contact with the support frame should be protected with a suitable coating;

The recovery environment are: clean the salt deposits on the surface with clean water ≤38℃ and dry immediately


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